Courses For Medical Professionals
Beth Zupec-Kania and Denise Potter share a combined 45 years of ketogenic expertise offer training for certified or licensed nutritionists, in hospital and in private practice. We've moved our trainings to virtual platforms, available at Trainings address pediatric through adult ketogenic metabolic therapies.
Beth Zupec-Kania
Beth Zupec-Kania has been a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist for 40 years and has promoted safe and effective ketogenic metabolic therapies (KMTs) since 1991. She’s managed KMTs in individuals with neurological, psychiatric, mitochondrial, and, metabolic disorders, and, certain cancers and has authored multiple medical publications and education guides, co- authored The Modified Keto Cook Book (Demos), co-organized three global ketogenic symposiums, speaks at conferences internationally, and is the designer of KetoDietCalculator®, a web-based program for calculating ketogenic diets. Beth is the primary author of Ketogenic Diet Therapies for Neurological Disorders - Pocket Guide, now in its 4rd Edition. She’s provided training to over 300 medical centers worldwide, has produced many keto education guides, owns Ketogenic Therapies, LLC and is a consultant to The Charlie Foundation, a founding member of the Ketogenic Specialists, a Trustee for the International Neurological Ketogenic Society and a consultant to Keto Live Europe. Beth has no disclosures.
​Expand your practice to include proper use of ketogenic therapies. Sessions include discussions of case studies and scientific publications (i.e. pediatric, adult, enteral), and cover important ketogenic topics and applications. Upon completion, students earn The Charlie Foundation Ketogenic Diet Therapy Certificate of Training.
Variations in ketogenic diets
Initiation, maintenance and cessation
Fasting benefits and techniques
Preventing adverse affects
Monitoring biomarkers and laboratory assessment
Nutrition supplementation
Medications - carbs and cautions
Ketodietcalculator online and Ap access with tutorial
Evidence based applications:
Neurological - Alzheimer's disease​, autism spectrum disorder, epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, traumatic brain injury
Endocrine disorders - diabetes, insulin-resistance, obesity, genetic/metabolic disorders
Cancer - brain and other tumorous cancers
Denise Potter
Denise Potter has been a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist (RDN) for 30 years. She has specialized in Ketogenic Diet Therapy (KMT) for 15 years and runs her own private practice. She currently manages both children and adults, nationally and internationally on Ketogenic Therapies with numerous medical conditions including epilepsy, cancer, Parkinson’s, diabetes, autism, bi-polar disorder and more. Denise speaks nationally and internationally on Ketogenic Therapies, is a consultant to The Charlie Foundation, owns Potter Dietitian Consulting, LLC, and presents the Charlie foundation Seminars to clinicians both home and abroad. She has been a Certified Diabetes Care and Education Specialist (CDCES) for 24 years and a Certified Specialist in Pediatrics (CSP) for 9 years. Denise has no disclosures.